Security for Cannabis Dispensaries
The 58 California counties are currently updating and establishing local policies on Cannabis retail, manufacturing and cultivation laws with frequency, on nearly a daily basis. As California counties implement new Medical Marijuana laws and the viability of Recreational Cannabis emerges, it is important to be aware of how these changes affect your county.1 Major Alarm, Inc. works closely with dispensaries to determine how to best provide security for their employees and business. These needs are always met with with the minimum disruption to their daily business.

Many of the state laws regarding cannabis dispensaries are written in such a way, there’s much left to the interpretation of the business owner. For example, State law dictates that a licensed dispensary should be able to prevent any unauthorized entrance to medical marijuana areas and the stealing of medical marijuana.2 Without clear and concise guidelines, it can be hard to determine what measures are necessary to adhere to this law. Major Alarm, Inc. work on site with the business to best determine a system design that not only complies with state laws, but also goes “above and beyond” the expected scope and coverage.
At minimum, it is recommended that an intrusion detection system consisting of motion detectors be placed in all sensitive areas, door and window contacts be placed on any entry point that can be opened, and 24 hour monitoring whenever needed. Further devices such as panic buttons, glass breaks, and visual/audio sirens may be utilized for the safety of employees. Thwarting an unauthorized attempt at access is the goal, but not always is it guaranteed, and that’s where video surveillance steps up.
Video surveillance systems can provide key evidence to law enforcement should the need arise. High resolution infrared cameras, high capacity NVR (network video recorder), and total or near total inside coverage, almost guarantees identifying a perpetrator if necessary. There are some mandatory rules that will be adhered to, however there’s nothing to limit above that and beyond those. And there’s nothing more important than the safety of your employees, your customers and your business.
Although we can all agree how the product will eventually end up, nobody wants it to happen by accident. Major Alarm, Inc. has been custom designing fire detection and alarm systems for over 13 years. If your business is starting up in a new building, a certified fire alarm and detection system is mandatory. We will design, install, certify, and monitor your custom system, and have your business up and running in no time.