Intrusion, Fire, Access, and Video Security

Headquartered in Sebastopol California, Major Alarm, Inc. specializes in security systems, specializing in commercial intrusion, fire detection systems, video surveillance, and access control. We are a locally owned and operated company serving Northern California from Stockton to the Oregon border since 2005.

Major Alarm, Inc. is committed to partnering with our clients to deliver professionally designed, installed, maintained and monitored Intrusion, Fire Alarm, Access Control and Video Surveillance Systems. Our goal is to provide customer service that exceeds the expectations of our clients.

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Our commitment to quality is exemplified by the approval of our many satisfied clients. Our client retention is above 90%, something unheard of in the alarm business. In addition, all of our technicians are factory trained and certified to install the latest advanced technology security and fire alarm equipment.

We hope you will consider Major Alarm, Inc for your next security or fire alarm project. We look forward to serving you. I know you will become one of our many satisfied clients.

Steven Ameral – Chief Executive Officer

Our Address

1160 Industrial Ave, Ste G, Petaluma, CA 94952

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